

转载自 保持警惕 弗恩·格鲁宾格著,东北地区SARE出版,2004年.

  1. 本地食物味道更好. 庄稼在最茂盛的时候采摘, and farmstead products like cheese are hand crafted for the best flavor. 从远方进口的食品比较陈旧, 乘坐过卡车或飞机吗, 在它最终到达你的手中之前,它一直在仓库里.
  2. 本地农产品对你比较好. 从农场到餐桌的时间越短, the less likely it is that nutrients will be lost from fresh food.
  3. 当地食物保存了遗传多样性. 在现代农业体系中, plant varieties are chosen for their ability to ripen uniformly, 承受收获, 包装后能保存,货架上最持久, so there is limited genetic diversity in large-scale production. 当地小型农场, 在高对比度, often grow many different varieties to provide a long harvest season, 有各种颜色和口味.
  4. 本地食物安全. There's a unique kind of assurance that comes from looking a farmer in the eye at farmers market or driving by the fields where your food comes from. Local farmers aren`t anonymous and they take their responsibility to the consumer seriously.
  5. 当地食物支撑着当地家庭. Wholesale prices that farmers get for their products are low, often near the cost of production. Local farmers who sell directly to consumers cut out the middleman and get full retail price for their food, 这有助于农民家庭留在土地上.
  6. 当地食物建立社区. 当你直接从农民那里购买时, you are engaging in a time-honored connection between eater and grower. Knowing the farmer gives you insight into the seasons, the land, and your food. It gives you access to a place where your children and grandchildren can go to learn about nature and agriculture.
  7. 当地的食物保留了空地. When farmers get paid more for their products by marketing locally, they are less likely to sell their farmland for development. 当你购买当地种植的食物, you are doing something proactive to preserve our agricultural landscape.
  8. 本地食品降低了税收. 根据几项研究, farms contribute more in taxes than they require in services, whereas most other kinds of development contribute less in taxes than the cost of the services they require.
  9. 当地食物有益于环境和野生动物. Well-managed farms conserve fertile soil and clean water in our communities. 农场环境是由一块块田地拼凑而成的, meadows, woods, ponds, 以及为野生动物提供栖息地的建筑.
  10. 当地食物是对未来的投资. 通过支持当地农民, you are helping ensure that there will be farms in your community tomorrow.


  • 保护耕地. Greenmarket让当地家庭农场继续经营. 在过去的50年里, close to a million acres of local farmland have been buried under cement and asphalt. The Hudson Valley is among the most threatened farm regions in the country. Together the farms that attend Greenmarket preserve over 30,000 acres of regional open space.
  • 加强农村经济. 80% of Greenmarket farmers report they would be out of business if it weren't for Greenmarket.


  • 食品安全. Nearby farms ensure food access in times of blackouts, fuel shortage, or other crises. Greenmarket works with city agencies to bring healthy eating to neighborhoods that lack fresh foods. Greenmarket participates in the NYS Farmers Market Nutrition Program, 为有营养风险的家庭提供食物. In 2005, almost 250,000 such households redeemed vouchers worth $3 million for locally grown fresh fruits and vegetables at NYC farmers markets. Many markets have the technology to accept EBT food stamps and we are working hard to expand that access. 未售出的农产品养活了饥饿的人. In 2005, Greenmarket donated over 300,000 pounds of food to City Harvest.
  • 改善社区经济. 绿色市场为社区企业带来了收入. 在旺季, 联合广场的绿色市场吸引了60人,000 shoppers a day; in a recent survey, 82% cited Greenmarket as the primary reason for their visit, 60%的人在当地企业花费高达50美元.
  • 创建社区 & 城市更新. Greenmarket raises quality of life, brings neighbors together and revives public spaces. 市场使全市的社区恢复了活力. The dramatic transformation of Union Square from crime-ridden to bustling is but one example.
  • Education. Each year thousands of school children and other groups visit Greenmarket to taste fresh food and meet the people who grow it.


  • 可持续性. 绿色市场的农民采用可持续的做法. 有些是有机认证的. 所有人都个人投资于水的健康, soil, and air quality on the farms where they live and raise families.
  • Clean Water. NYC's water comes from reservoirs northwest of the city where sustainable farms and open space help protect our water supply. 纽约市的分水岭区有十几个绿色市场农场.
  • 节能. Transporting food long distances uses tremendous energy: it takes 435 fossil-fuel calories to fly a 5 calorie strawberry from California to New York. Fossil fuels contribute to global warming, acid rain and smog. Local foods travel short distances and use dramatically less energy.
  • 生物多样性. Greenmarket farmers grow thousands of varieties of fruits and vegetables, 包括100多种苹果和西红柿. In contrast, industrial agribusiness cultivates high-yield hybrids bred for fast maturation and thick skins to withstand mechanical harvest and transport. Meanwhile heirloom produce and heritage-breed livestock are vanishing from fields and plates, drastically shrinking the gene pool for those foods; the UN Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that more than 75% of agricultural genetic diversity was lost in the 20th century. 小型、生物多样的农场保护着bg视讯的食物遗产.


  • 吃的乐趣 文/温德尔·贝里
  • 大苹果马戏团 丹·巴伯
  • 食物路线网络 通讯工具, 技术支持, networking and information resources to organizations nationwide that are working to rebuild local, 社区粮食系统.
  • 食物的真实成本 一部15分钟的关于当前食物系统的动画电影, produced by the Sierra Club's Sustainable Consumption Committee.
  • The Meatrix short animated movies about the realities of factory-farmed meat, produced by Sustainable Table.
  • 食物链电台 a weekly news talk radio show about food, farmers and markets.
  • 生态文化中心information for sustainable living and supports a grantmaking program for educational organizations and school communities.

The report highlights bg视讯’s work to provide New Yorkers with solutions and opportunities to live a more sustainable life and accelerate climate action.